Saturday, October 23, 2010

Turin, Italy

Turin atop the Tower
Turin atop the Tower

Turin atop t

Wednesday, October 20th, 2010 

Turin is very vast....a 3-hour train ride west of Milan, home to the 2006 Olympics.

It was suggested to visit the Cinema Museum in downtown Turin as it has an interesting and creative way of describing the movie industry.  What I didn't expect was to be provided a panoramic view of Turin in the museum.....

An elevator ride to the very, scary....and this is what I saw...

Cinema Museum - Turin
Cinema Museum ALIENS - Turin

I realize its difficult to see these apologies.

Inside the 4-storey Cinema Museum were how the movie industry started, how media and print advertising has evolved, various mini movie sets, masks and characters and a large viewing area with lounging seats and built in speakers in the headrests.  Does it get any better? My little piece of paradise....
Turin at night

I met an American....a nice one...hmmmm (sorry JM!).  Heather from Pittsburgh and I went out for pizza, stroll and .......use your imagination! 

What did we find, another McD's in Turin!  They are in every city and they are the only thing that you can find directional signs for.

Did I mention that Italy doesn't have street signs?  Instead, they have plaques on sides of buildings if they happen to put one there.  Makes navigation fun!!

Cathedral Turin
Street corner - Turin